Sunday, September 23

Two birthdays today!!!

Happy Birthday to our own brother Isaac, 5 today:

and a special message to our friend Blythe who is 9 today:

Saturday, September 22

My homework for this weekend...

Write a poem each verse beginning: If I had fins, I would...


If I had fins I would... taste the blood red liquid that gushes out of wounded fish which tastes like salty wine.

If I had fins I would... feel the rough rusty surface with my belly, of a treasure chest which is filled with gold coins as bright as the most shining sun.

If I had fins I would… smell the salty whiff of the sea wafting through my gills with a scent similar to salty chips.

If I had fins I would… hear the sound of the sword fish fighting, the schools of fish screaming out bubbles, altogether sounding like a popular fair.

If I had fins I would… see bubbles flying every where, fishes chasing each other and sharks dining on dolphin as if it were their favourite meal.

If I had fins I would…dream of clear sparkling water, forest of dark green coral and shining coins glistening in the light breaking through the surface.


Sad news

This week we heard the very sad news that our school friends Angel, Thor and Keavy together with their little sister Willow died after a horrible accident when the car they were in with their family, rolled into the river Witham.
We are glad to know that Amber although hurt is getting better.
We have all been sad this week and on Friday we lit a candle at our special school service to remember them.

Wednesday, September 12

My school trip to Caythorpe

Cathorpe was
very fun this is what I did :

- Giant swing ( 1 )
- Climbing
wall ( 2 )
- Abseiling
( 3 )
- Silly racing ( 4 )
Jacobs ladder ( 5 )
.... a
nd lots more....


1. Giant swing : You and a partner are hauled 10 meters in the the air by your classmates , when you get to the top you pull a cord which sends you flying down at top speed.

2. Climbing wall : A 10 meter high climbing wall which at the top you ring a bell , then you lean back and on the way down you shout I WEAR PINK FRILLY KNICKERS!!!!!!!!!!.

3. Abseiling : Abseiling is 10 meters up in the air, first you climb up the the stairs inside of the frame then you get all clipped in and then you
go through the bars, lean back and Abseil down.

4. Silly Racing : Forget s
peed races, these races are about style and silliness you get in teams and you all get something to act out and its the person withe best impression of it.

5. Jacobs ladder :Jacobs ladder is a vertical ladder with widening gaps between the logs, this activity is about team work and you also need guts to get to the top.

Food was good, showers were warm, lights out was 9.30pm! The teachers were fun....hope they'll be like that in class!!!!!!!!
Me and Greg were swing partners it was BRILL!!!!

Tuesday, September 4

Our memories of the holiday...

Memories of Holland and the journey
My new skates.
Funny sweets on toast
Camping on the floor right up at the top of the house up the small stairs.
Ice creams in the garden
The BIG slide in the park

Trying Aunty Jannekes jewellery
Celebrating the Scout 100yrs by remembering our promise at sunrise on the 1st August

Memories from France

-Bying some shoes for us all.
-Going for a walk with mummy and daddy down the river near La Taillade
-Going to the resterant,
-Going to Bon mamman for lunch.
-Swimming in the river. (J)
- French ' Go ape'.
- Paddling in the river.
-Bulding dams.
-Buying my new shoes.
-Eating lots of yummy food.(M)
- I liked buying my trainers ...
and going to Bon maman's for lunch
- I liked paddling in the river
I loved the croissant and steak hachés
and of course the blédine (I)
I did lots of playing
Scrambling on rocks.
Lots of time with my daddy
Swinging REALLY high on my swing
Eating lots of fresh juicy nectarines, apricots, peaches, melons... (B)
Goaty giggles whenever I see something I like, especially nectarines.
Sitting on the edge of the river playing with my feet in the water.(L)
Taking turns with B on our special swing.
Swimming cowboy style in Nicole's pool
Smart new shoes. (L)

Summer back in Billinghay
Mission Faith camp at Harby
Polly and Blythe
Dressing up at Tattershall castle.
Having Jacob coming to visit.
Picnic and adventures in Bourne woods
Meeting up with my best friend Frazer who I haden't seen for over a year.
Going to the Collection and Usher Gallery and Lincoln Cathedral.
Loads of football in the paddock
Camping out all summer.
Camping with M&J... I'm a big boy now.
Dancing the Jelly Bean jive on the Big Top stage.
Slip and slide in the garden.
I was a Jelly Bean.
Camping at Grapevine and in the garden with Holly and April.
My new Noddy trainers.
Rose's chicken
Waving my ribbon at Grapevine
My trainers with flashing lights.
Climbing out of my cot for the first time!
Paddling at Billinghay pool.
Raspberries, raspberries, raspberries!

Sunday, September 2

Cycle ride

We are doing the Chuch cycle ride next Saturday!!!!
Go to Mummy and Daddy's blog to find out about it.